Thursday, February 28, 2019

It's Bigger. . . It's Badder . . .It's the Biggest Loser!

Welcome to the best three months of your life! Want to remember the joys of pants that fit and the glorious soreness that comes with a high quality workout?  Welcome to the Willow Creek Biggest Loser! (If you are currently hearing "We Are the Champions" in your head, that's because we're about to crush being awesome!). 

Step 1:  Weigh Yourself and Calculate your BMR, either with complex math stuff or by using an calculator like this one:

Step 2:  Throw away, hide, or otherwise dispose of all that tempting stuff and for the next three months only buy treats you think are gross (I love chocolate and despise gummies so I toss the good stuff and let the kids have gummies when a treat is in order.  Whatever your Achilles heel, expel it. The first three weeks will be the best and the hardest! Give yourself a headstart. 

Step 3: Write it down, all of it! The good, the bad, and the ugly. We'll do that here, where we can cheer each other on, keep each other honest, and keep all of us on the wagon. Blog everyday and you WILL have success!  I like to use the LoseIt App when I'm on the wagon.  I'll be posting what I eat to keep myself honest. 

Step 4:  Don't stop! The end doesn't come until the three months are up, for us that will be June 15th! We all commit here and now to keep each other going until the final weigh in!