Thursday, April 11, 2019

Shelley: Days 29, 30, and 31 - I solemnly swear to avoid Mrs. Backers until June 15th!

It's day 32 and I'm behind on blogging which is usually an indicator that I'm not doing my best. I had physical therapy on Tuesday and instead of driving straight home, I stopped by Mrs. Backers. Ugh. I got some of their flower cookies for Nancy since frosting is the best thing for all forms of injuries and even more efficatious when paired with chocolate, but I totally made the mistake of getting a slice of rum cake AND a frosting stuffed snickerdoodle sami :(.  I did really well the first day, just had one bite of each but then yesterday morning they were calling to me and I caved. So I tried to go calorie light for the rest of the night. I'm SOOOOO CLOSE to my first 20lbs.  19.9.  I think I'll feel better when I hit that first 20 mark but I've for sure slowed down. Still losing, I'm just not being as tight with my eating as I should and I've let too much garbage in.  I do my best when I stick to protein, veg and some fruit.

Julie, I love those pictures too.  When I get back to the gym, that's always the hardest part, seeing the number on the scale stay the same but knowing I'm working my butt off (literally).  I know I'm losing inches, but man is it hard to psychologically reprogram to care more about composition than just a weight number.  You are making awesome progress! If you want to suspend the $$ portion of this because you're focusing on composition, I'm fine with that. Let's just keep cheering each other on and stay committed to the process until June.

Also, I totally second the whole weather thing. I really need to start getting out for walks to start gearing up for the gym. I hate returning to the gym a pure blob.  I like to at least have a little muscle and endurance. I'll post what I ate yesterday because I believe being honest is the only way to keep myself in line but today, I am determined it will be a better day!

Breakfast: 214
Blackforest Ham
5 Ounces
69 Grams
Lunch: 352
Cheese, Feta, Crumbled
2 Tablespoons
Sauce, Tzatziki
1/2 Each
Bread, Pita, White
1/2 Each
Dressing, Greek
1 Teaspoon
Salad Greens
1 Cup
Dinner: 305
Zesta Crackers
8 Pieces
Snacks: 589
Frosting, Cream Cheese
4 Tablespoons
Random Snitching
3 Servings

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