Sunday, March 31, 2019

Shelley: Day 20 & 21 - Too Tired Last Night!

Image result for small plates vs big plates image

I was so tired last night I went to bed and then realized I totally spaced blogging.  I'm not hiding anything, it was a good day. We went to Vessel for dinner and I ordered wisely and then I didn't even finish. The food was Ok, and I decided that it just didn't taste good enough to warrant the calories.  I spent the day cleaning out my childhood stuff so I made a lot of trips up and down stairs, so it was a good day. Today was less successful. My mother-in-law is unwell and so we decided to take them dinner. I did well, kept to healthy things, grilled tri-tip, fresh corn (I got my portion before I put butter on it for the others).  I've been doing well so I didn't even consider dessert, but thankfully, we were given a Great Harvest Basket for closing on our old house and I was able to repurpose the pumpkin chocolate chip bread.  The trouble came later. . .

I decided to make chocolate covered strawberries (which are my go-to because I'm a terrible baker).  I am so weak! I didn't snitch at all while making them (I have OCD and that's just gross). But there were a few tablespoons of extra chocolate and I decided to dip some of the left over pineapple from dinner in the warm chocolate. I shared with the kids, but I ate several heavily coated pieces. Ugh. I'd like to point out the strawberries were for a good purpose, I took some to our neighbor who just had surgery and to the person I minister to as well as one other family who brought us a treat. Thankfully, I didn't eat dinner, since lunch was a good size, but it's crazy I got my who day of calories basically in chocolate. 

Today's favorite tip:  Small plates! At every family dinner, I get out the smallest plate I can find. I'll use a teacup saucer if I can find it. There is only so much harm you can do with a little plate, even if you go back for seconds. 

Today's BMR CAL: 1,866- 1,274= 592 Calorie Deficit (This might be estimated a bit wrong. I'm probably closer to a 300 calorie deficit today.  I didn't weigh by chocolate indiscretion).

Here's what I ate today:
Breakfast: 123
Blackforest Ham
3 1/2 Ounces
Lunch: 448
Tri Tip Steak
6 Ounces
Carrots, Medium
1 Each
Dinner: 403
Hawaiian Sweet Rolls
1 Serving
Strawberries By Gram
150 Grams
Snacks: 300
Random Snitching
6 Servings

Friday, March 29, 2019

Shelley: Day 19 - Night Off

Image result for butternut squash

It's Day 19 and I was so excited to 15.9lbs lost this morning! Nearly 16 lbs in 19 days isn't too shabby. I'm just going to keep going and hope for the best. Today was my "cheat" day. I had popcorn, Swedish Fish (I bought a single easter egg of them so it was a finite 110 cal portion) and an easter egg of snickers (for the same reason).  I had steamed veg and a salad with dressing on the side from which I very sparingly dipped my fork and a pile of pulled pork (Wallaby's). Great dinner, and not too bad on the calorie front. 

My favorite tip today is order it the exact way you want it. If you shouldn't eat that roll, or tortilla, make sure they don't give it to you. It's so much easier to let them be your self control monitor. 

Today's BMR CALC: 1,866-1,612= 254 Calorie Deficit (not much but still the right direction for a cheat day)

Here's what I ate today:
Breakfast: 236
Blackforest Ham
5 Ounces
107 Grams
Lunch: 311
Dinner: 386
Bbq pulled pork
5 Ounces
Cheese, Blue, Crumbled
2 Tablespoons
Bluecheese Dressing
2 Teaspoons
Snacks: 679
Small Swedish Fish
16 Pieces
10 Ounces
Random Snitching
3 Servings
Until tomorrow. . .

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Shelley: Day 18 - Garbage It!

Day 18 - hmmmm. Well, I'm feeling a little crappy and hormonal.  I would normally rely on chocolate and IBU to feel better but I'm trying to make some good changes here!  I had kind of a hefty lunch so I ate lots of squash before I even attempted to weigh my meat for dinner. I have tried to be super circumspect with what I'm eating since I haven't been taking any extra effort on the activity front. 

I am moving down the scale again, but it's not going as fast. I'm going to see how I do this week and then if things are moving quickly again, I'll know it's time to hop back to the gym. I have been waiting for a plateau so I'll have some action to take.

My favorite tip today is to 'Garbage It" when you're done.  First, I try to order things in such a way that I won't really have the option to go crazy, but when we're with friends or there is something like a basket of fries I eat until I'm satisfied (not full) and then discretely destroy whatever is left with a dirty napkin, or whatever I have on hand to keep myself from picking at it. It's a little yucky, but "know thyself" right? My self control comes in small bursts and is fleeting so I either have to act or commit to eating stuff I don't even really want and will regret later.

Today's BMR CALC: 1,866- 1,143= 723 Calorie Deficit (I think I might have snitched something during the day that I forgot to record, so that may be off by 100 cals.).

Breakfast: 175
Blackforest Ham
5 Ounces
Lunch: 498
Dinner: 170
Tri Tip Steak
1 3/4 Ounces
Snacks: 300
Random Snitching
4 Servings

Until tomorrow. . .

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Shelley: Day 17 - Write it down. . . before you eat it. . .

Image result for measured strawberries image
It's Day 17 and I am finally moving down the scale again! I logged in at 14.2 lbs since we started. That's only 1.1 lbs this week, but hey, it's Wednesday, there's still time!  We've got an architect coming tomorrow and I'm super excited! I REALLY want to get moving on getting the reno started. 

So today, here's my tip; Weight it, record it, then eat it.  This does two things, it makes you really consider what you're eating, and you know just how much it's going to cost you.  Case in point, tonight, I made Filet Mignon which is a fairly lean red meat.  I dished up a generous portion and then weighed it and began to enter it, turns out I was very generous with myself. 9oz of Filet was 630 calories!  I did NOT have that in the budget today so I removed two ounces and stuck with a more reasonable 7 oz. Still a good sized meal, but not the day killer it would have been.  I always follow this pattern because I clearly am no good at portion control by just eyeballing it.  I usually try to take my time eating as well, so when it's pre-measured, I know that's all I get and I should enjoy it. By pre-writing it down, I'm committing to that portion and I usually feel better about it when I see the calorie count for the day is in check. 

Hope you guys are having a good week! PS> Heidi, my kids said they saw that bird die. Apparently it rammed into one of the Bracy's windows and fell down and died. Crazy right? Julie, for context, Mia found a dead bird today in the Bracy's front yard:).

Today's BMR CALC: 1,866-1,297= 569 Calorie Deficit - Just got to keep on trucking!

Here's what I ate today:
Breakfast: 251
Blackforest Ham
5 Ounces
82 Grams
Strawberries By Gram
92 Grams
Lunch: 280
Dinner: 566
Snacks: 200
Until tomorrow. . .