Monday, March 25, 2019

Plateau dumb choice Sunday

Sunday morning I made my favorite smoothie and I was good to go. Church was awesome, I loved the talks by the Crofts, singing with the choir and YW went well. in Laurels, Patti gave the lesson and had many of the girls read stories and share experiences about forgiveness. I was able to share that we need to also forgive ourselves and when we do the Lord will help us not remember the pain, despite the fact that we will still remember the sin.

Today I will try to forgive myself for the weekend. hahaha. I tried to be so strong this week with cookies.  They are my weakness. But I came home from church to get Kate down for a nap and head back to choir and was starving and exhausted from the last two nights.  Instead of grabbing a powerball I grab a couple of the last of the cookies (yes I'm being honest, I didn't just grab one... well I did at first.. then grabbed more.) Bah! Heidi!! After choir I took the time to make a salad, luckily I still have stuff leftover from the week. the salad was awesome, but I still had a sweet tooth. So I grabbed a couple powerballs and left the kitchen.

At 4 I had to pick up Anna from Stake Choir as I sat there waiting (for 10 minutes...):) I ate gummy bears that were in the car from Haylee. I didn't even think about it.  Then I did and finished the last 10. Gummy Bears are not my favorite treat, but I just wanted sugar.  I actually realized at that point that I was just THIRSTY! I had forgotten to drink my water today. So next Sunday I will remember. It's easy when I'm working out and having a typical day, but I didn't get enough this weekend.

We went to dinner at my moms.  She was serving Lasagna.  I just took salad, veggies  and fruit.  No garlic bread and didn't eat the 7 layer beandip, chips and Gauc. I didn't have any key lime pie or ice cream cake from coldstone. I was doing so good.  Until (why is there always an UNTIL!?)  we got back from walking through the house that my parents are building.  I should have grabbed water, but instead ate some of the gauc, beandip and chips.  I only had about 5-6 chips loaded, but still why? because I hadn't had my water and was starving.  Okay this honesty is killing me.

TODAY IS ANOTHER NEW DAY. A MONDAY.  I love Mondays for the new start, the new week. I also love to Grill Shelley! I Traegered some Chicken on Saturday and have some cooked veggies and most of my stuff for my salad jar prep.  I've looked through my meal plan and there are some yummy looking healthy snacks too. I am ready to work hard, DRINK MY WATER, and have a healthy week.  Here's to saying goodbye to my plateau numbers on the scale.  No more late night cookie extravaganzas and a healthier me.

1 comment:

  1. I so know that kind of day! Hope today was a good one! Anything that starts with a scooter has to be a good one!
