Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Shelley: Day 10 - Sick kids and taking control!

Image result for zupas vegetable quinoa soup

It's day 10 and I'm going strong! They say it takes three weeks to make a habit, so I'm holding tight and focusing on the first 21 days. This progress I've had is also addictive. I had a sick little dude at home today. It's not strep (per the dr) but he's not feverish and vomiting so there's that. Is it just me or does it seem like kids are sick the whole dang school year?? I'm so ready for the summer and some good health. 

Anyway, even with a kid home, I wanted to keep my calories in check. I had lunch with Cannon at Zupas. Their Mangoberry salad (with dressing is 240) is really good, I have them only use a teaspoon of dressing and then toss it. It's not enough to cover all the lettuce but you come across it enough it's good. I also skip the candied nuts and do grapes instead which also lowers the caloric impact. I didn't adjust for this in my calculations because I prefer to estimate high and be pleasantly surprised when I lose more weight. I also chose the veggie soup which is only 80cals/serving.  I gave Cannon my roll and ate my chocolate covered strawberry. 

After school it was a crazy day, we ran to a Scouting Field trip at a technical college where the boys worked in a greenhouse and then we transported them to Macey's for a Kong cone. I had the smallest lick of Will's and had Ella and Cannon throw theirs away rather than finish either one for them. Then it was off to baseball practice from 6-7 and by then I had only consumed 798 calories and was STARVING. I had brought some berries with me, but I was hungry and in charge of the snacks. I didn't eat it, but I wanted to. I got the kids dinner and then brought them home and had Jason get them showered and in bed while I worked out something healthier for us. I ended up at Cafe Rio and order the Chicken Tortilla Soup with no tortilla, or tortilla strips, or cheese. Remove that stuff and double the chicken so you get some protein and it's still only 188 calories and super filling! All in all a good day, but I am guessing I'm going to get hit by all this salt I had today. 

BMR CAL: 1,866-1,360= 506 Calorie Deficit 

Breakfast: 175
Blackforest Ham
5 Ounces
Lunch: 476
Mangoberry Salad, Half
1 Serving
Dinner: 358
Shredded Beef Side
1 Serving
Snacks: 351
Crackers, Original
5 Pieces
116 Grams
56 Grams
Mini Creme Eggs
1 Piece
Random Snitching
3 Servings
Until tomorrow!

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