Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Hello! 👋 I’m here again. I’ve been through a rollercoaster of emotions  about this whole process. Last week I hit it hard until Thursday. I did really well and made some better “ clean eating”choices.  I felt hungry sometimes, but overall satisfied. I worked out every day. And was seeing lower numbers on the scale. Friday I had to make that cake, then the weekend. dun dun dun. In my head I said I would just start clean on Monday with the new meal plan. But realized I can’t do that. I gained back a pound or two and just got sluggish. So I’m ALL in now!!

I realized how much sugar  takes a huge toll on my body. Even a little bit of a sweet roll in the morning changed my whole day. I craved sugar ever hour.

I have been wearing my Fitbit and logging my food which is HUGE for me!  I think that’s why I haven’t blogged much  yet, because I’ve  concentrated so much time on that and meal prep and learning more about nutrition.

I’ve been focusing a lot of my water instake, limiting carbs and sugars. I loved my salad and liked my fish dinner, though my house is so stinky now! 🙄 I feel hungry, but not starving and I am noticing thay I don’t reach and grab for my old favorites. I’m really thinking about what my body needs to eat. Im not finishing my girls plates. I’m  not craving sweets. Even though I did lick a little frosting today and ate a small part of one cookie, because it looked so hard I was worried about how they would taste.

I don’t know that I’m getting the right balance of “macros” or specific nutrients I need, so I need to work on that. And Although I like the Fitbit because it’s counting my steps, it’s giving me a rash and I don’t love the app as much.... I may try another one.

I realize what I eat for breakfast makes a big impact on my day. I’ve been trying to do intermittent fasts where I don’t eat from (about) 7/8 pm to 8/9 am. Then I feel like if I wait until the girls are gone then I can focus more on what my body needs rather snitching something small but high calorie.

We went to Texas Roadhouse last night with most of the adults in my family. I didn’t eat a roll. 😱 and I only had half my salad and got salmon and veggies. Dave and Anna’s steak looked amazing. I like my food, but I wanted that steak! I keep telling myself it will be worth it when I can just maintain and have that steak on occasion!

Dave is going out of town this weekend. I have another 50 cookies to make and then I’m hoping to do a ton of meal prep for next week. If I have cooked chicken on hand and washed lettuce I eat so much better and more easily.

So thankful for your support and friendship! We can do this!!

1 comment:

  1. Heidi, you are doing awesome! There is totally an adjustment period. Thanks for not giving up!
