Thursday, March 14, 2019

Shelley: Day 4 - Subway is my friend

Image result for subway logo images

It's day 4 and I'm on track. I really want to get an iron fist on my diet before I start exercising. I know I'll be more hungry and if I've established a good pattern I should be in better shape (no pun intended) to control any additional hunger I may feel.  

Ella was home sick today. She was diagnosed with strep yesterday but has been totally fine except for being super emotional. No fevers, no sore throat, nothing, jut being kind of a pain and having super severe reactions when someone has to correct her behavior (which is kind of often with her, she is one strong willed woman). Anyway, with meds onboard she's doing even better and bored out of her mind and started eating cereal. I'm trying to share my re-discovered enthusiasm for healthy eating with my kids (especially Ella).  So as part of that, I have been leaving healthy things out on the counter, pistachios, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, carrot sticks, etc. I've been amazed at how easy my kids have been to direct to the good stuff since it's easier to grab than going to the pantry (it's in the same room:)).  They still want the sweet stuff and other garbage, but at least I'm sprinkling it with healthy food:).  I was good enough today, I allowed myself one almond Hershey's Kiss (I love chocolate).

Totally forgot to mention, I'm loving my turkey sami with the bread hollowed out. Today I got rid of the cheese since I wanted a footlong and had them just load me up with lettuce and spinach. Yum!

Heidi inspired me to get out and shovel (you were so productive yesterday!) and so I spent some of this morning tooling around but I wouldn't call it "active".  I always struggle a bit with snitching stuff, especially Captain Crunch which is Ella's fav. She was snarfing that down today. Jason is out late tonight for work so I'm to blog and go upstairs with my water where food ins't allowed and see if I can like Whiskey Cavalier (new show).

Heidi, here's hoping tomorrow is more fun, plumbing wise. . .

I've been super inspired by you guys and had another good day food wise.  

Today's BMR Calc:  1,899-1,227= 672 Calorie Deficit!!!!! This is progress people!!!! Gah, it feels good to be in charge again!

Here's what I ate today:

Breakfast: 254

61 Grams

85 Grams

Blackforest Ham
5 Ounces

Lunch: 265

Dinner: 440

Snacks: 268

56 Grams

Random Snitching
1 Serving

85 Grams

Strawberries, Whole
1/2 Cup

Until tomorrow. . . 

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