Monday, March 18, 2019

Shelley: Day 8 - First 10 lbs!!! Progress Rules!

Image result for weight scale image

Day 8 and I hit my first 10 lbs this morning! Gah, it feels so good that the scale is going the right direction now. I feel like the sun is shining and there is good in the world! Thank you guys so much for doing this. I needed the outside motivation!

Today was a little crazy. I went to physical therapy (um, she's an amazing magician, if you need a referral! I've done PT before and she is the first one to really make a difference and in just one day my neck is totally mobile for the first time in weeks!).  But is was also cleaning lady day, so I hustled home to de-crap before she got here. In all the kerfuffle I didn't get to eat much. I only had some ham for breakfast because it was quick to grab and by 2pm I was doing returns at Costco and starving. So I consulted my all-knowing phone and ended up getting a #3 Unwich at Jimmy Johns with sprouts, mustard and pickles added. It was really good and only 280 calories. It was so filling, I wasn't hungry until much later. I grabbed a hollowed out turkey-no cheese mustard only footlong with lots of veg from Subway only 460 Cals. So By the time my kids were in bed I'd only consumed 800ish calories. Too few calories is not a great idea, so I am going to have a bowl of berries, a 100 cal bag of skinny pop and an almond Hershey's kiss. I'll still end the day a bit under what I'm shooting for which is 1,200 minimum but I'm sure I mis-calculated something and prob got another 100cals in there someplace.

Every 10 lbs loss, I recalculate my BMR to stay accurate.  My BMR has now changed from 1,899 to 1,866.

Today's BMR CAL: 1,866-1,131=734 Calorie Deficit (3,800 Calories in 1 lb.)

Here's what I ate today:
Breakfast: 175
Blackforest Ham
5 Ounces
Lunch: 280
Dinner: 440
Snacks: 236
95 Grams
Blackberries, Grams
72 Grams
55 Grams
Skinny Pop Popcorn
1 Container
Until tomorrow. . .

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