Thursday, March 28, 2019

Shelley: Day 18 - Garbage It!

Day 18 - hmmmm. Well, I'm feeling a little crappy and hormonal.  I would normally rely on chocolate and IBU to feel better but I'm trying to make some good changes here!  I had kind of a hefty lunch so I ate lots of squash before I even attempted to weigh my meat for dinner. I have tried to be super circumspect with what I'm eating since I haven't been taking any extra effort on the activity front. 

I am moving down the scale again, but it's not going as fast. I'm going to see how I do this week and then if things are moving quickly again, I'll know it's time to hop back to the gym. I have been waiting for a plateau so I'll have some action to take.

My favorite tip today is to 'Garbage It" when you're done.  First, I try to order things in such a way that I won't really have the option to go crazy, but when we're with friends or there is something like a basket of fries I eat until I'm satisfied (not full) and then discretely destroy whatever is left with a dirty napkin, or whatever I have on hand to keep myself from picking at it. It's a little yucky, but "know thyself" right? My self control comes in small bursts and is fleeting so I either have to act or commit to eating stuff I don't even really want and will regret later.

Today's BMR CALC: 1,866- 1,143= 723 Calorie Deficit (I think I might have snitched something during the day that I forgot to record, so that may be off by 100 cals.).

Breakfast: 175
Blackforest Ham
5 Ounces
Lunch: 498
Dinner: 170
Tri Tip Steak
1 3/4 Ounces
Snacks: 300
Random Snitching
4 Servings

Until tomorrow. . .

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