Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Day 2! I moved so much yesterday that I’m totally sore today. A feeling  that I actually love, because it means I  pushed myself and made a difference in my body. So I wasn’t as eager to get up and work out. I’m trying to be better about getting my sleep, as well as waking up early  to have Heidi time . My me time this morning was stretching and writing my blog posts. I will get a workout in a little later.  I put on my workout clothes so I don’t have an excuse.  Yesterday food was not  really on the forefront of my mind. Which was a really nice change. I did a lot of movement, going from one activity to the next. And spent a good amount of the day in the sunshine which is always healing! Not ready for the snow today though. Getting out to the group fitness class was just what I needed as I saw some old friends, and just moved my body. I usually feel a little insecure at the group fitness classes at the gym- with the big mirrors and all the healthy fitness junkies. At Vasa I have tried to look at the positive words on the walls, look at the skinny people and be motivated to be healthier  and tell myself, “you are here which means your working for change,” but it’s hard not to compare and get frustrated. Yesterday I didnt have to worry about all that. Everyone there was different, came for fun and came to get out and make a change. I don’t find myself comparing(thank you no big mirrors), I just danced did a million burpees and had a great time. The class itself isn’t too difficult, but you can make what you want out of it.
Again, I had a hard time making time to make dinner, but we had a fridge full of leftovers. I had some beef  that I had made days prior and some roasted broccoli. However my girls had all sorts of packed unclean leftovers, it was sad to realize that I’m trying to make myself healthier, but my girls are in such bad habits because of me. I make sure they get fruits and veggies at every meal, but when I’m in a hurry the main course isn’t as healthy. So part of my better health journey is getting them to eat healthier as well. Maddie is my picky eater, so we’ll see how that goes.🙄 No treats or desserts for me and I found myself eating nuts for a snack and drinking my water when normally at the 3:00pm rush I would grab a treat to get me through the rest of the day. I was thirsty before bed and realized I still didn’t get my 100 oz of water. I was so exhausted that I climbed into bed at 9:30 with a book and crashed.

1 comment:

  1. I saw you doing all that yard work and was impressed. I haven't been looking at the forecast so I wasn't expecting legit SNOOOWWW. Gah. I've thought that about my kids. They love the pantry. So I decided to go back to how I was when Will (my first was born). I always had strawberries, or some other fruit on hand and washed on or the counter and cheese sticks/yogurt etc available for snacks. I don't know when the breakdown happened, but it did and my kid's diets are like 80% Goldfish these days. I made them eat salad last night and they were not amused. Will and Ella are fine but Cannon thinks it's poison. Something to work on. . . .Glad to hear you're trying too! You'll have to tell me what you find that works.
