Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Shelley: Day 17 - Write it down. . . before you eat it. . .

Image result for measured strawberries image
It's Day 17 and I am finally moving down the scale again! I logged in at 14.2 lbs since we started. That's only 1.1 lbs this week, but hey, it's Wednesday, there's still time!  We've got an architect coming tomorrow and I'm super excited! I REALLY want to get moving on getting the reno started. 

So today, here's my tip; Weight it, record it, then eat it.  This does two things, it makes you really consider what you're eating, and you know just how much it's going to cost you.  Case in point, tonight, I made Filet Mignon which is a fairly lean red meat.  I dished up a generous portion and then weighed it and began to enter it, turns out I was very generous with myself. 9oz of Filet was 630 calories!  I did NOT have that in the budget today so I removed two ounces and stuck with a more reasonable 7 oz. Still a good sized meal, but not the day killer it would have been.  I always follow this pattern because I clearly am no good at portion control by just eyeballing it.  I usually try to take my time eating as well, so when it's pre-measured, I know that's all I get and I should enjoy it. By pre-writing it down, I'm committing to that portion and I usually feel better about it when I see the calorie count for the day is in check. 

Hope you guys are having a good week! PS> Heidi, my kids said they saw that bird die. Apparently it rammed into one of the Bracy's windows and fell down and died. Crazy right? Julie, for context, Mia found a dead bird today in the Bracy's front yard:).

Today's BMR CALC: 1,866-1,297= 569 Calorie Deficit - Just got to keep on trucking!

Here's what I ate today:
Breakfast: 251
Blackforest Ham
5 Ounces
82 Grams
Strawberries By Gram
92 Grams
Lunch: 280
Dinner: 566
Snacks: 200
Until tomorrow. . .

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