Sunday, March 10, 2019


Woman on Starting Line Up

WELCOME to the best three months of your life! This ride doesn't stop until we hit June 15th! But be warned, it's addictive when you're getting results!

If you haven't done your BMR calculation, do it now:

There are 3,800 calories in a pound. Every calorie under your BMR you decide not to consume will chip away at unwanted baggage! 

Tomorrow, I'll be posting what I ate and how my day went. For the moment, I'm going to focus on food, but I'll be hitting the gym shortly. 

I'm excited to do this with you!  Blog everyday for the best results and be brutally honest. If you find that something is really helping or making a difference, share it, we can all use inspiration. 

TOMORROW: Weigh yourself in the morning, or if you plan to weigh at night, do it tonight. Snap a photo of the scale, just so you can't forget. If you're using an app like LoseIt, there is place to track progress as well. We are going to be awesome! 


  1. Hoping third time is the charm, I’ve tried two other times to comment and hit the buttons wrong both times!🤦‍♀️

    Thanks for getting this all set up and getting me motivated. I have the hardest time sticking to something, unless I have to be committed to some one else. Sounds so weird, but it’s true.
    I am not quite physically ready but emotionally I can’t wait. I will just have to be strong and avoid the2-3dozen cute missionary cookies downstairs as well as the cake order I have this weekend and the 100 cookies I’m making in her next couple of weeks... it’s no wonder I’m the weight I am! Jeez.

    Along the lines of weight, I have weighed myself tonight and have my BMR, but I usually weigh myself in the morning, so I’ll do that as well and see. No one besides us will know these benchmarks... right...?!!? 😉 I’m so embarrassed at the number. It’s seriously the highest I’ve ever been, not pregnant, and close to the number I was pregnant. I’m excited to see it go down and NEVER see the number again!

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