Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Shelley: Day 16 - Pickles

Image result for dill pickles images
It's day 16 and I'm still fighting the munchies but thankfully, I've dropped a bit so I feel like I'm making progress again. 

One of my favorite tools when I can't contain the need to snack, besides watermelon when it's in season, are pickles. They are always just a lid twist away and take zero prep. They have lots of bulk and actually take more calories to digest than they provide so they are a harmless form of recreational eating if I'm feeling the need. I currently have a very large jar of them in my fridge to get me through the next week:).  

I stopped by Mrs. Backer's today. . . I could have done better and I could have done worse. Thankfully, I hadn't had breakfast, so I got one of their little meat pies and had that, though it's a bit more calorie heavy than my usual fare so I kept it light at lunch.  I grilled again for dinner and it was amazing, if I do say so myself. My all time favorite low cal veg is butternut squash.  I make a tinfoil packet, spray it with pam olive oil, sprinkle it with salt and pepper and dump the squash in.  I throw it on the grill and shake it once in a while. SOOOO good and you can eat a small mountain without blinking. At Mrs. Backers I did pick up a piece of their rum cake (it's my weakness. I never get down there, so I couldn't resist.  Instead of digging in, I waiting until I could share it with Jason. I had my two bites, handed it over, and literally walked away so I wouldn't keep going. 

Today's BMR CALC: 1,866-1,278= 588 Calorie Deficit - Still going strong, even if I'm craving garbage!

Here's what I ate today:
Breakfast: 300
Meat Pie
1 Each
Lunch: 270
Dinner: 481
Snacks: 227
Random Snitching
1 1/3 Servings
Rum Cake
3/4 Serving
Until tomorrow. . .

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