Saturday, March 23, 2019


Why am I still awake? Because I needed some “me time.” Some time to regroup, scrub down the kitchen to prepare for a new week. My kitchen was a MESS! I’mso exhausted, but decided that cleaning the kitchen wasn’t me time so I needed a bath. The bed it calling, but it’s also covered in clothes that I never had time to put away. Guess they will end up in the floor... Last night I pulled an almost all nighter working on cookies that were due today. Why? I don’t know. Part of me loves it and the other part of me get frustrated that it takes so long. I procrastinated these ones because I wanted to have a fun Friday night. But it came back to bite me. I was doing so well yesterday, I was deficit of my max calories and had made good choices. Anna graduated from “nova” and then many parents were taking their kids out to lunch. We went to chick fil a. I stole 2 of Kate fries ans orders a salad. I loved how their menu have calories and was able to choose a dressing that was only 25 calories verses 230or something. I forgot to get a water and took a few sips of lemonade...  why is it so good and chicks fil a. I only ate half of my salad, and took the rest home. I did really well most of the day, and Then 2 am hit and 4 am hit 5:30 am... I had some cookies and frosting. Now as may health experts say,”don’t beat yourself up,” tomorrow is a new day. But I was feeling it today. Bloated and gross from all the sugar. (Oh and I finished the rest of Kate’s lemonade at 1 am. ) 

I know sugar plays a huge role in my body. I’m going to be really dedicated this week to watching that. My friend told me as a general rule of thumb? she doesn’t eat something  that contains over 14gs of sugar. So a nutrigrain bar or granola bar is out. It helps her stay on track. I’m going to try that.

I finally got my book today and my protein powder. It was hard on the meal plan to not have the protein powder they recommend because I didn’t know how the recipes would turn out. I got it and instantly made the black cherry chocolate smoothie for dinner and the hot chocolate pancakes. They had so much that went into them and I thought they were nasty! My girls tried to eat them too then asked for “normal pancakes.” It’s trial and error I guess I ate another cookie today. But I have no more orders coming up. I’ve cleaned up all the goodies and tomorrow is another day and another week.

I’m frustrated with the scale because I lost so much last week into  the beginning of this week. Now I’ve hit a plateau. Part of it could be muscle because I feel like the inches around my waist have changed .( I did take measurements-DID YOU?) I’m seeing the stretch marks come back together. πŸ˜ƒπŸ™„πŸ˜•.

Today, with 2 hours of sleep I tried to take a nap but it didn’t really work, so I got up and Hanks to Kate “ride my scooter” we walked about 3 miles round trip. Loved being outside and waiting for spring to finally come. Okay. I’m off to bed. 

I’m proud of myself for reaching for power balls today when I felt snacky. I think I’m getting closer to listening to what my needs to eat (intuitive eating).  

Here are my stats for the last couple of days.... oh wait I can’t figure out how to do it... tomorrow.(:

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