Friday, March 22, 2019

Shelley: Day 12 - Good Ideas

Image result for boar's head black forest ham

Day 12! Getting closer to day 21 everyday! I always feel like that's a really good marker for me. If I can hold strong until then, it just gets easier and easier. Three weeks a habit makes! 

I'm going to start sharing one of my favorite tips each day. Today, it's balsamic vinegar! If I need dressing, I either use straight lemon juice with salt and pepper or balsamic vinegar with salt and petter and occasionally some other herb, basil, oregano, etc. It's extremely flavorful so you don't need much. I also use water instead of oil if I make Italian dressing from a packet. It sounds weird, but it's actually delicious and wayyyyyy fewer calories.  So the next time you're staring down a salad bar, head to the end and use the straight vinegar, if they don't have it out, you can always ask. The same goes for restaurants. Instead of getting dressing on the side, ask for straight vinegar on the side, red wine or balsamic, both are great! 

Today went pretty well, but the latter half of the day was packed with stuff and running from place to place so rather than give in and eat something I don't really want to use up calories for I decided to just wait. Well, I ended up waiting and waiting. By the time I got back around to eating it was 9:43pm. Because I waited and waited, I had only had around 700 calories for the day when I saw down. I decided that since I had a low calorie dinner (minestrone soup) I would use up some of the spare of some delicious chocolate.  It's Friday and that is usually my "night off" but that didn't work out this week so I decided to have that night in spirit in the form of Trader Joe's chocolates:).  

BMR CAL: 1,866-1,190= 676 Calorie Deficit - Feels Good!

Here's what I ate today:
Breakfast: 221
93 Grams
Blackberries, Grams
36 Grams
Lunch: 328
Side Of Shredded Beef
1 Serving
Dinner: 220
Cocoa Truffles
2 Each
Zesta Crackers
6 Pieces
Snacks: 421
Random Snitching
2 1/2 Servings
134 Grams
Soup, Minestrone
2 Each

Until tomorrow. . .

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