Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Hi, I’m here. Finally. So far so good I think for the first two days.
Day 1-
Today I was motivated, so excited to say goodbye to old habits and create a healthier me. I didn’t get a workout in, besides waking around the circle by Kate on her scooter.  However, I moved enough to get most of my steps in. I didn’t feel as hungry as usual so that was a bonus. My goals for this week are to get my steps in, drink my water which helps me curb my cravings. Though I still didn’t reach my goal of 100 oz a day, so I need to figure that out. I ate one cookie  while I frosting 3 dozen, so I didn’t have the will power there, but I refrained from desserts at Julie’s. (Oh shoot, without thinking I liked a tablespoon of Kate’s frosted cupcake without thinking about it. Baby steps and realizing how often I  do this.  That is probably one of my biggest factors in weight gain, is finishing my kids stuff. I grew up at a table where we were supposed to finish what was on our plate. And I think that is still ingrained in me- not to waste food. But I realize it’s OK to just throw it away.  I didn’t make time to make dinner. My biggest goal for next week is to prepare food ahead of time to plan out our meals. We stopped at Arctic Circle on the way home from picking up Anna. I ate two french fries, again without thinking. But then stopped myself. I ordered a salad, dressing on the side. By the time we got home I wasn’t that hungry and  didn’t have time to eat much. I had a couple bites of the taco shell at the bottom and threw the rest away. And only ate a little over a tablespoon of the dressing. I felt good about my food choices for the day. I felt strong today and eager to keep going.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Well done Heidi! I was raised by my depression era grandparents who were firm believers in the "clean plate club". I'm working really hard to teach my kids to throw it away, finish when they're done, not full. But I still struggle with that too. Finishing stuff is my worst habit, so I'm right there with you, solidarity sister!
