Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Day 9,372 (what it feels like) or actually day 9. Last week with Traedon being home and everything we had going on was a lot! Dentist appointment, eye appointment, opening mission call, going through the temple, trying to find the right underwear (not that the men have many choices), a random major snow storm, a wedding dinner and reception, scones & Captain Marvel with Claire and Anna Marie, and so much more.
~Wednesday I followed the meal plan but had many extras here and there. Still had all the treats around from opening Traedon's mission call. 🍪  🧁  🍬
~Thursday I feel like I did better. We went to Willowcreek for dinner after the temple - I made a good choice of seared chicken and asked to sub the mashed potatoes for sweet potato fries and only at my allotted 15.
~Friday we went to a wedding dinner for our old next-door neighbors son - Austin. It was at the Joseph Smith Memorial building. I was proud of both Jed and I, we split a roll, ate our salad with dressing on the side, and took the bacon off the fillet. Yes, we ate the mashed potatoes but I still feel we did good. 🤤
~Saturday I had ONE, 1, scone with natural raspberry jam and that's all! Then at the movie I limited myself to one large handful of popcorn 🍿. I may have had a few pieces after the movie too. We went to Austins reception that night, the Belgian liege waffles smelled AMAZING! Carson and Saidy each got one  with all the fixings. We were going to stop for dinner on the way home but decided to just eat the pasta faggioli soup we had in the fridge from earlier in the week.
~Sunday I packed up all the treats to send home with T. Picked up groceries I had ordered the night before and was ready to get back on the wagon full speed. It was a really good day! I made individual pizzas with naan bread, everyone loved it and got what they wanted on it.
~Monday and Tuesday I followed my meal plan EXACTLY! Monday I went to pilates and Tuesday I went to HIIT.
~Wednesday day 9,372 I don't know why todays such a blah day - I feel like its easier to just not eat than to put all the effort into food. I'm not seeing much result on the scale. 😔 My stomach is feeling better, not bloated, and inches are coming off. I know it's a process, a very slow one. 🐢

The picture above is what's keeping me motivated .... summer, sun, swimsuits, and 3 big boating trips!

Thanks ladies for making me be accountable!

1 comment:

  1. Julie, I love that you blogged! The blog helps us all just keep putting one foot in front of the other. You're doing great things! Inches are a great indicator! Just keep on trucking! You are on the right path. The week of appts and prep is such a hard time to start this kind of thing. I'm impressed you still chose to make good decisions!
